Tuesday, October 27, 2009

Best Designs for Comfortable Eating Part 2

Here is a great dementia resource for caregivers and healthcare professinals,

Here is information on being the best caregiver you can be

Here are more interesting dementia brain boosting activities

Alzheimer's and Dementia Weekly


Esthetics matter because people can't help but judge the identity of a person through the objects they surround themselves with.

By creating a coherent table service, we can reduce the stigma attached to using assistive products.

In order to design a range that will help the widest amount of residents possible, I looked at disabilities which are common to aging, such as arthritis and visual acuity.

This area includes cataract, the yellowing of the lens with age, or the loss of depth-of-perception, which is common to Alzheimer's.

We then combined these findings with the degenerative nature of dementia to create three distinct groups that we felt could benefit from assistive tableware.

In this comparison image, the left plate is a color which contrasts the food. People need to be able to locate the food in order to pick it up.

LOW ASSIST is for people who can eat competently but may have sight problems.

MEDIUM ASSIST is for people beginning to lose their skills.

HIGH ASSIST is for those who can no longer feed themselves

go to Best Designs for Comfortable Eating for the video

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